Keep Knitting



For me the hardest part about any knitting project is not getting started, it’s when I’m about 55% of the way done and it seems as if I am literally knitting into a black hole. Though my hands are sore I can see no real progress. This is the part where I have to keep knitting. Pour myself some coffee and keep going!

eBay day is Friday

img_0250I actually sold something on eBay! It should not be that big of a deal, but for me it is! This is a follow-up blog to my decluttering through eBay post from a few weeks ago.

Here’s what I learned: the pictures really matter and the more the better. I first read in #girl boss the importance of taking solid pictures when selling on eBay. I confirmed this because I listed two books on eBay, both relatively new and both were hard cover. The first book, I took one picture of and the second one, the book that sold, I took a lot of pictures of.

Friday I listed two more items and have decided that going forward, Friday is eBay day when I will take photos of things I want to sell and list them.

Thank you for reading my blog!

Organizing Them Gems


I came across this idea on pinterest for organizing and displaying jewelry and I decided to try it. Full disclosure I sell 31 products as an independent consultant so if you decide to buy a pin board here I do make a commission.

This is the original pin that I saw and decided to give it a try.

Here is how mine turned out after adding some Kate Spade push pins and also draping necklaces across the boards.



I like the pin boards as jewelry displays because jewelry really is art and this adds a lot of color to any space.

A couple of notes. I would not actually hang my pin boards on a wall, because jewelry can get heavy (even when it is fake) and I would only use it when sitting on a desk or dresser.

I did the traditional monogram in hot pink and golden yellow.

Thank you for reading my blog today!

Does Pinterest Save Me Money?


I am pretty late to the Pinterest party. I joined earlier this year and only really started pining and creating boards a couple of months ago. At first I joined for recipes and crafting. Somewhere along the way, outfit ideas began showing up in my Pinterest feedĀ  and I started pining them to a beauty board I created. Then I started pining clothes or statement jewelry or make up I was thinking of buying. Then something funny happened. I no longer went back to look at the item on the retailer’s website. It was as if by pining it I had some sort of ownership over the item and no longer felt the need to buy it. So is Pinterest saving me money? Maybe. At the very least it helps curb my online shopping purchases that are definitely categorized as wants not needs.